The walls in homes and offices are decorated with photos, drawings, and paintings. These decorative items look more complete when they are accented by a custom frame. A custom-designed frame provides a special border to complement the contents. The frame is a work of art in itself so it should be given plenty of consideration.
Choosing the best custom frames for fine art or photographs because of the variety available. The last thing you would want to do is choose a frame that clashes with the contents. There are not any hard set rules for the type of border to choose. However, there are a few guidelines that can help ensure you get the right frame for your piece. Here are some basics tips to help you build the perfect match.
Custom Frames for Art from Specific Eras

Choosing custom frames can be a bit tricky when it comes to artwork that was set in a specific era. You want a frame that is going to reflect its historic feel. When you’ve seen artwork in museums, you may have noticed the frames compliment the art, but also match the time frame in which they were created. Of course, you may not have as large of a budget as an art museum, but you can use this principle when framing artwork. Keeping the specific time period in mind can narrow down other options and help you find a relevant style.
Choosing Frames for Family Portraits
Family portraits become precious to family members. You may want to take a different approach to choosing custom frames. One of the most popular styles is a wooden frame. Due to its simple, classic design and intricate details, darker wood frames are often the choice for photographs. But sometimes, wood frames can be made more dynamic such as covered with a golden leaf texture.
Using Frames to Protect
Of course, a frame’s aesthetic appeal is a huge factor in your choice. Beyond the physical appearance is the environment where the piece will be displayed. Think about if the room has dim lighting, or if it’s humid. These conditions will require your piece to have a frame that provides a level of protection. A sealed enclosure will provide a protective environment for your artwork or photo. The custom frame’s appearance and how well it can insulate the contents should be considered.
Taking a Creative Approach to Custom Framing
Perhaps the most exciting and best thing about choosing a custom frame, is the ability to be creative. If your artwork has a bit of quirky flair, don’t be afraid to choose a custom frame with a playful attitude. You can choose bright colors or original designs on the surface. There’s no limit on creativity.
Contact Suburban Frames in Atlanta
Having the right custom frame for your photo or piece of art can provide a strong effect for those who view it. It is important that the frame doesn’t distract from the contents, but rather, it should enhance it. There’s a sense of harmony and balance between the contents and the frame. When these two come together, you’ll end up with a beautiful artistic and visual impression. Let Suburban Frames in Atlanta help you get the perfect custom frame to help display your prized possession.